Monday, June 11, 2012

Diabetics Beware! this can happen to YOU!

This is an updated re-post of my previous blog

My husband, Nick, is still critically ill - we are trying EVERYTHING under the sun to save his leg from amputation - his foot is gangrene - a direct result of the diabetes.

All of you out there who have diabetes, or know somebody who does - family member of friend - WARN them about the importance of maintaing a healthy weight and diet - my husband did not follow this advice - and now, at 63 years old - he may lose a limb to this horrible disease!

Diabetes is an awful disease - it kills your body from the inside out - one inch at at time - one organ at a time!

I want to Thank each and every one of you for the kind words - prayers - thoughts and messages through this trying time.

Being the only caregiver to someone so ill is a hard job....yet - every time I feel myself failing or getting depressed....I try to remember how lucky we really are.  To have friends, like you, who take the time out of your busy lives to send a get well message and prayer for my husband - has me thankful and humble!

Many, Many Many THANKS!! LOVE YOU ALL!

thanks for being my friends!

Jimmy Durante used to sing this song:

Make Someone Happy - Make just one Someone Happy - and you will be Happy, too!

Let's all remember to stop and smell the roses.....Tell somebody every single day - I LOVE YOU!

Dale Ann Schepis

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