Thursday, January 23, 2014

DIABETIC in your household? A healthy SODA for diabetics!


I have to say, right off the bat - I am not selling, or pushing this product - I simply want to share my experience with all of you.

I know many of you are Diabetic or you know or live with someone who is.

My husband is Diabetic, has been for 30 years - Like most others like him - He has a constant thirst and is ALWAYS looking for something to drink

It's MY job to limit his fluid intake, because his kidneys have failed and he is on dialysis - fluid is the ENEMY when you are on Dialysis.

My husband always wants SODA - regular soda has WAY too much sugar - and diet soda has so many different chemicals and additives and lots of SODIUM  (which is not good for nayone)


Last Fall, I purchased a SODASTREAM - that allows you to make your own soda at home -
at first, I was not convinced this was a good thing...

Then once i started playing around with it - discovered you can  "FIZZ" anything - you dont have to just use the pre-packaged sodastream drink mixes that come with the unit - they are expensive and they have the same awful sugar and additives and sodium as regular store bought soda.

Now I am LOVING this machine!

I CAN CONTROL what my husband drinks because I CAN MAKE it healthier!!

Here's what I do:

Walmart sells their version of  CRYSTAL LIGHT low-calorie drinks  (much less expensive) and it comes in about 40 flavors!

I mix it with water, and NOTHING ELSE - put it under the SODASTREAM - and I have a very nice flavored, drink that is fizzy like soda, but leass than 1 calorie per serving and NO SUGAR, NO ADDITIVES, NO CHEMICALS, and NO SODIUM!!

and the best part is - my Husband LOVES it!  we are always trying new flavors of "water" and its really been fun!

I still, of course, have to limit the actual amount he can drink in a day, but now I can serve him something that I have made myself, I know what's in it - and it's 100% better than anything sold at the store in cans!!

Try SODASTREAM if you have a Diabetic in your household

Take back control over what they put in their bodies!!

Happy Day!

Dale Ann

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