Monday, September 30, 2013

Jewelry Tips - A Buyers Guide

It's time to start that Christmas gift - giving LIST - Jewelry is always an appreciated gift!

Jewelry is a personal thing - and Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder.  There are many reasons why people have a collection of jewelry that is usually a mixture of Fashion Jewelry and Fine Jewelry....but in today's world - there are some you may not have thought of.

Fine Jewelry is usually defined by these parameters:

Genuine Diamonds and/or Gemstones set in real Gold, Silver or Platinum

These are the pieces of jewelry that get passed down from Mother to Daughter and Granddaughter or Son and Grandson  Or

That special Engagement or Wedding Ring or Anniversary jewelry - pieces that last a lifetime and continue for generations.

Natural Gems or Lab Created....what's the Difference?

When you are shopping for Gemstones - there are a lot of different terms used to describe what you are buying - but do you know the difference? And Does it Matter?

Yes, it does matter - lots of retailers slip words into their ads that can confuse you

Natural Gemstone - Refers to an "earth-mined Gemstone - 100% made by Mother Nature....PERIOD  end of story

Lab Grown Gemstone - A lab grown Gemstone is a GOOD thing! Lab Grown Refers to a 100% REAL Gemstone - it has the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as an earth-mined gemstone - it has just been grown in a lab setting using the seeds of natural gemstone. This is to "speed up" the process that takes Mother Nature years and years to grow. 

 I like to use the analogy of a Hot-House Rose -  it is still a REAL Rose - it has just been grown under certain controlled conditions to produce the best flower possible - and that is what a Lab-GROWN gemstone is - 100% REAL

CREATED Gemstone - that is a man-mad gemstone - they can be quite beautiful - but are not made by Mother Nature - please note"  Lab GROWN is REAL - Lab CREATED is NOT

Simulant Gemstones - this refers to your CZ - glass etc.... something made to look like, or simulate, the real thing

If you wish to purchase Natural, earth-mined gemstones in your jewelry - make sure you ASK the seller - they are obligated to tell you this information!

Happy Shopping!


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